Recently, a neurobiological study hit the scientific headlines. Its authors had set out to determine, once and for all, if the brains of men and women were different. They measured ten key factors that had previously been described to differ between the two genders. This time, over 1400 brains were compared. The results showed that, instead of a clear distinction, the ten key factors of brains of men and women mostly overlapped, though there were indeed more 'female-like' charateristics in women's brains, and more 'male'like' in those of men.
However, there were more differences within a gender than between the sexes. Their conclusion was that, because there was more overlap than differences, the brains of men and women are the same.
But is that the right conclusion?
Look at this analogy. Most men are taller than most women, and yet there is a wide overlap in height. Moreover, the difference betwen the tallest and shortest men (or the tallest and shortest women) is larger than the average difference between men and women's height. Does that mean there is no difference in height between the genders? No.
Biology is hardly ever black-or-white. The biological world is better described in shades of grey. But those shades should not be ignored.